
  • Ama

About us

AMA nació gracias al amor que sentimos hacia la comida. Para nosotros cocinar es mucho más que solo cocinar. La cocina reúne a familias y amigos, nos inspira a probar nuevos ingredientes y nos invita a crear nuevas combinaciones de sabores.

Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Panamá.

AMA was born out of the love we have for food. For us cooking is much more than just cooking. Cooking brings families and friends together, it inspires us to try new ingredients and invites us to create new and amazing flavor combinations.

We are located in Panama City, Panama.

Stephanie Abbott es la mente creativa detrás de AMA Cooking Studio. Desde pequeña creaba recetas y las cocinaba en su Easy Bake Oven. Su pasión por la cocina la llevó ha estudiar en el French Culinary Institute en Nueva York. Stephanie encuentra inspiración para las clases en cada libro de cocina que lee y cada lugar al que viaja. Cuando no está en AMA, la pueden encontrar cocinando y horneando comida gluten free para su esposo y su hija.

Stephanie Abbott is the creative mind behind AMA Cooking Studio. Ever since she was a little girl, she would create recipes and cook them in her Easy Bake Oven. Her passion for cooking led her to New York, where she studied at the French Culinary Institute. Stephanie finds inspiration for her classes in every cook book she reads and every place she travels. When she's not at AMA, you can find her cooking gluten free recipes for her husband and daughter.

Steven Abbott, el hermano mayor de Stephanie, siempre ha amado el BBQ y los mariscos. El ha cocinado todo tipo de carnes en la barbacoa y nunca deja de sorprendernos con las deliciosas salsas que crea desde cero para acompañar las carnes. Steven encuentra su inspiración en su extensiva colección de libros de BBQ. 

Steven Abbott, Stephanie’s older brother, has always loved to BBQ and seafood. He has grilled every cut of meat available out there and never ceases to impress us with the delicious sauces he makes from scratch to accompany the meats. Steven finds his inspiration in his extensive BBQ book collection.


Oct 21, 24 - Oct 27, 24

Wednesday (Oct 23, 24)
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Coraline Class - with Stephanie Abbott
Thursday (Oct 24, 24)
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Indoor BBQ Holiday - with Stephanie Abbott
Friday (Oct 25, 24)
8:00 am - 9:00 pm Cerrado Alquiler - with Stephanie Abbott
Monday (Oct 28, 24)
1:00 pm - 9:00 pm Cerrado Alquiler - with Stephanie Abbott

Oct 21, 24 - Oct 27, 24


Para reservas y más información sobre eventos privados, por favor enviar un email a info@amacookingstudio.com

To inquire about private events and for more information please email info@amacookingstudio.com

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